
Jack Thompson, GTA, and the Politics of Gaming

We'll spend a short time in class reviewing (and debating) various perspectives on video game censorship, beginning of course with the online gaming community (especially Penny Arcade) and its response to cases against games made by Jack Thompson.


Sharon K. Goetz said...

Ah, yes, Penny Arcade. There's a decent interview (they posted a link themselves), which might help; a lot of what's in the columns and comic panels will go over the heads of the uninitiated. Depends on who signs up, I guess.

Do you know about this group?

Jeremy Douglass said...

If you are trying to explore the debate on game violence, you may also want to include a more credible commentator. Even most people who are concerned about interactive violence consider Jack Thompson to be something of a raving loon, so choosing him for as one voice in a reasoned debate looks like setting up a fall guy. He is definitely worth a long anecdote because he has been a loud talking head in mass media for a while, but in my opinion this doesn't mean his opinions are actually worth discussing in detail - it does a disservice to people who have made more reasoned criticisms.